Storygram Docs
0. Installation1. Getting Started2. Importing Data3. Filtering4. Layout5. Advanced settings6. Data structureStorygramEventActor7. FAQ

Data structure


Below is shown the internal structure of a Storygram object.

export default class Storygram<T extends {}> {
// Data with filtering and optimization
public processedData!: Data;
// Data without filtering and optimization
public data!: Data;
// Array containing a grid of rendered points, the x length
// and the maximal y length
private renderedGrid!: [RenderedPoint[], number, number];
// Whether the storygram has been filtered, optimized and rendered
private isCalculated: boolean = false;
// Default values
private baseConfig: BaseConfig = { ... };
// Custom and default configuration
public config: FullConfig;
public constructor(rawData: T[], config: Config) {
this.config = { ...this.baseConfig, ...config };
private setData(data: T[]): void { ... }
// Filter, optimise and render the storygram
public calculate() { ... }
// Draw the storygram on the DOM. If the filter, optimization
// and rendering steps aren't yet made, perform these first
public async draw() { ... }


Below is shown the internal structure of an Event object. The whole class definition is shown, but you might want to us only the "data" attribute in the constructor. It contains all the keys of the original datum.

export class Event {
// sequence number of the event of all visible events
public index?: number;
// whether the event is visible or not
public isHidden: boolean;
// which actors to add
public add: string[];
// which actors to remove
public remove: string[];
// which actors to group
public group: string[];
// which actors will be on this event, whether they are grouped or not
public state: string[];
// whitch actor positions to switch
public switch: Switch[] = [];
// whitch actors are hidden
public hiddenActors: string[];
public constructor(
public eventValue: number | string | undefined,
public eventXValue: number,
public data: Record<string, unknown>
) {
this.isHidden = false;
this.add = [];
this.remove = []; = [];
this.state = [];
this.hiddenActors = [];


Below is shown the internal structure of an Actor object. The whole class definition is shown, but you might want to us only the "data" attribute in the constructor. It contains all the keys of the original datum.

export class Actor {
public layers: Event[];
public isHidden: boolean;
public constructor(
public actorID: string,
public data: Record<string, unknown>
) {
this.isHidden = false;
this.layers = [];